Why Shakespeare matters in 2020, more than ever before
Why Shakespeare matters in 2020, more than ever before On the Bard’s birth anniversary, it’s good to remind ourselves that the purpose of art is not to provide answers, but to ask the right questions; Shakespeare’s works have done just that for four centuries and continue to do so in our uncertainty Representative image. (Credit: Getty Images) William Shakespeare is like water- infinitely adaptable to his environment, eclectic, and everlasting. Even after four centuries of his death, Shakespeare’s incomparable canon continues to flow--gushing forth like a fountain in the minds of its newest discoverer, gliding along like a rivulet in those it has nourished for years, and lying still--as if bottled--but never stunting, as it lends succour to those that have taken its presence for granted. In the constantly capricious realms of the literary ecosystem, Shakespeare remains immutable, guaranteeing enrichment no matter the time, the place, or the consumer. A transcenden...